c. 2018 Just to take Leeds City Council (my home city) it has 61 Labour Seats, all the other parties combined have 38, over 60% of the seats for 46.4% of the votes cast.

In the 2016 General Election when the smaller parties were squeezed the conservatives 317 seats were based on 42.4% of the votes cast and relys on a confidence and supply arrangement with the DUP. 

Democratic Dashboard is a great site to look up how recent results. http://democraticdashboard.com/elections

General Election Results going back to 1945 can be found on http://www.ukpolitical.info/2015.htm the stand outs are

  • 1983 Conservative landslide 397 seats 42.4% of the vote
  • 1997 Labour landslide 418 seats 43.2% of the vote
    • This scale of this result meant the end of the now largely forgotten agreement between Blair and Ashdown 
  • Outlier 2010 Coalition - Conservative 306, 31%, Lib-Dem 57, 23% overall 54% of the electorate
  • 2015 Conservative workable majority 331 seats, 36.9% of the votes
    • The Lib Dem collapse to 8 seats for 7.9% vote, when a proportionate result would be 50 seats is either down to geography, their role or the first past the post systems depending on your view 

Part 2 - Assess - Timeline - Present - Limited participation and disengagement