Developing a vision holistic political economy
In order to use the model as an explanatory tool I developed a model of the way the explanation would work. Note: Additional Hypotheses . Because it is described elsewhere I have reduced the Human Activity System itself to two subject areas in order to show how the vision of political economy is developed from it.
The boxes represent subject areas; collections of facts, evidence and when it deals with the future projections. The lines show relationships between them. The diamond shape at the end of the line represents plurality. The words against the line allow it to be read in conjunction with the subject area. Reading top down - pick a subject, find the text on the relationship above or to the right of the line and add the name of the subject at the end of the relationship.
Examples reading top down
- History evolves into Present
- Human System has emergent Properties
- Properties (implications) make possible a grounded Vision
Reading bottom up - pick a subject, find the text on the relationship below or to the left of the line and add the name of the subject at the end of the relationship.
Examples reading bottom up;
- Present emerges from History
- Properties are emergent from Human System
- Vision is possible by being grounded in Properties (implications)
To envision a different political economy is just one way the model of the Human Activity System can be used.