I am calling it a book even though it is a web-site. The point is that it does not have to be read sequentially; I have tried to signpost and use links in such a way that the reader can explore the content.

Landing Page - Fulfils the purpose of the publishers blurb but does contain links enabling you to jump in.

Top Menu - The top menu has the Preface and Overview as a way into the book. All pages (except the landing page) contain the main-menu on the left. Overview is the place to start after reading the Preface.

Main Menu - The main Contents menu is on the left - this is what you'd expect to find at the start of a book, there are 4 Parts and the Sections within each are listed.

Dynamic Sub-menus - There are sub-menus which appear when you are in one of the Parts or Sections; these appear as new panels under the Table of Contents. For example, in Part 2 Assess there are three additional sub-menus listing the contents of Timeline, Vision and Examples of What good looks like. On the page for Part 2 all appear; within any of these sections only the relevant one appears. 

Diagrams - I have created a pictorial Overview of the content; this shows how the argument for holistic political economy proceeds from first principles to the firm proposals in the Tactics section of Part 4. I have taken the slice of the Overview Diagram for each of the major sections: Part 1 Review, Part 2 Assess, Part 3 Consider and Part 4 Act, and use these as diagrams for the introductions to each part. 

Map Pin Markers - All the diagrams that signpost the argument contain map pin markers, these are hotspots. Hover over a map-pin to bring up a scrollable popup window. Within the popup window is an introduction to that topic and contains a link to the full articles (it duplicates the menu). If there are no map pins then the diagram is just there to support the text its embedded in. 

Titles are Links when Underlined - When articles are listed the summary text is displayed, the article title is underlined and there is a Read More box. Reading all the summary texts will give you an introduction. You can also use the Table of Contents and read the article summaries. This means you can explore the book using either the table of contents or the diagrams as you prefer.

Clicking on an underlined title or the Read More box will take you to the full article - the title will no longer be underlined.

Longer articles have pop up sub-menus. 

Footnotes are Bold Text with a Broken Underline - Hover over these and the footnote will appear (aka Tooltip). The footnotes are also articles and can be found in the Appendix. The footnotes have link to the article they are in, external links and links to the Bibliography. Using the links will take you to an article of that title. 

You are here - There is a context based list of the route to the page you are on (in online web speak its a breadcrumb trail) just below the top menu.