We are using up the time we have before a climate tipping point is reached and we are not significantly slowing carbon emissions. We cannot know when the tipping point will occur only that a stable system, far from equilibrium (global weather) has one. These things are crystal clear
- The less we do now the harder it gets. The scale of change is already huge; it needs investments in green technology and the mobilisation of people. On the positive side that means there is almost certainly enough work for everyone, we don't have to waste human capital
- The change we need simply will not happen without a paradigm shift and radical changes to the structures and institutions of political economy
- Change will happen anyway. It might be one of these: the loss of democracy and the enforced direction of labour, chaos with local wars, disasters and migrations or a collective effort where the sense of joint ownership and endeavour brings us together.
- Of the possible futures, only the collective route gives us agency. It is enlightened self interest, doing nothing makes the other outcomes more likely.
Bringing about radical change is a big challenge but not impossible. At key points in history paradigm shifts occur; if we look at the past we see just how differently people thought. A better future depends on action, it will not just happen. I want to find people who will act collectively to take this forward.
Like all big things, political change has to start with small steps. In Part 4 Tactics there are specific proposals for the first small steps within the context of an overall strategy they stand a chance, but it is just a chance. I call on individuals and groups for whom these ideas have resonance to help with two very specific proposals - the first steps on a journey;
(1) The creation of HoPEdia, both a web-site and the organisation that runs it. We can use technology as a tool. The tech companies don’t own hyperspace, it is not like real space, it cannot all be fenced off, only parts of it. There is a place to set up the standard, spread ideas, and share learning...
(2) The establishment of The HoPE Association, not a political party but a movement to argue for and spread truly democratic practice.
Please use the Contact Me form if you can contribute to either of these, and we'll see where it goes from there.
Although long, the journey need not be slow, we have reasons for urgency but must address the most important thing; fitting means to ends. I insist that when the end is cooperation, competition and coercion, let alone any suggestion of violence have no place as means. The two proposals above will act as amplifiers. A movement that has vision, direction and purpose, that does the hard work of building consensus and creates alternative power structures, will become unstoppable. We are many and they are few.
Both of these proposals are fully described in PART 4. Both are bigger than anything I can do (given my age, skills and time), I might be able to help bring them into being, be a catalyst. The reasons for these specific actions are to be found in Parts 1 to 3 and, without that supporting case, they may not seem all that obvious. The actual policies and priorities to be followed after later need to be worked through collectively. I have some firm views on policy but I need to be in a facilitated discussion, just like everyone else. Who knows what the detail will look like when it has been thrashed out by a group - groups make better decisions than individuals.
The conclusions I came to are radically different to anything I envisaged when I started. For many years my thinking was constrained by the existing political system and I was pessimistic as a result. Only when I re-imagined the purpose of political economy could I free myself from this constrained thinking. I felt the need to research, develop and explore holistic political economy for my self, to resolve my own cognitive dissonance. If its theory and practice, turns out to be useful I will be content.