c. July 2020 I have developed hope-wiki.com, at this time it has overlapping entries with what I have written here, but I hope it will develop and become a a more comprehensive source of information
I continue to reserved two additional .com domains (hope-discussion.com, and the-hope-association.com). These are not active yet and it will take me some time to do the web development. However they stand as a statement of intent and this article is a placeholder.
HELP WANTED Holistic Political Economy is not mine, and cannot be an individual endeavour. Please get in touch if you can help in any way.
The purpose of the three sites is described below.
hope-discussion .com
What I have in mind for this site is simply a discussion forum (hope-forum was not available). This ebook is my exposition of the theory and practice of holistic political economy. It was hard to work out. In computing we used to have a checklist; is it complete, consistent and correct. In those terms, until my ebook reached some level of completeness and consistency I couldn't open it up for debate - I had to work out what I actually thought first.
Now is the time to test for correctness. I realise this is not entirely objective where some values and ideas are subjective. However where I describe what we know about the Human Activity System and outline the shape of deep history there is certainly a need to make sure the foundations are sound. It needs to be challenged debated and refined.
I expect this site to be the first up of the three. I will structure it to mirror the ebook. Holistic Political Economy is a vision of a different way of doing both politics and business as such it needs to be open to comment and debate. I especially hope for long form contributions from other people.
I see no reason why this needs to be limited to members of the hope association, though there will obviously be an overlap. Similarly as the place for exposition, debate and proposals its content is different from that being captured on the wiki.
To meet the objectives for building a Holistic Political Economy I set out two proposals in Part 4 Act, Tactics
the-hope-association .com
For like minded people who are (in the language of the networked economy) loosely coupled and want to actively work towards building a holistic political economy, this will become the home site. The hope association will not be a conventional political party, rather it will be an association of people who accept the core values of holistic political economy and want to actively promote the changes that are proposed. Being committed to bringing holistic political economy into existence its activities could, for example, encompass developing and doing political education, or getting change proposals into party manifesto's.
See Part 4 Act, Tactics - Organisation where I describe this in more detail
hope-wiki.com (I wanted to call this HoPEdia, but that domain name was not available - it is the same thing).
This site is now up and running but c. July 2020 it is new and I am adding entries I highlighted in Part 2 Assess – Examples of what good looks like. I want this to be come bigger, better and as near comprehensive as its possible to get. Again loose coupling is the key. In response to the undermining of the traditional labour movement I see this as a way of creating a sense of solidarity in our over-individualised society. I also want it to provide encouragement by showing people the sheer weight and practicality of the host of working alternatives that are out there already. Critical mass may not be that far away.
In Part 4 Act, Tactics - Information I set this out in more detail